Alternative Retirement Plans

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Alternative Retirement Plans

After retirement, many people find the life ahead of them tedious and sometimes tricky. Some of these people won’t be left with enough money to continue with their lifestyle; other folks will rely on Social Security to pay for their expenses, and a few will be able to rely on their savings. At Akawini Capital Insurance, we understand how difficult life after retirement can be. That is why we have created a system that will help you stand on your feet and continue living your lifestyle after your retirement.

A Retirement Alternative Plan (ARP) is a defined contribution On retirement, Akawini Capital Insurance will give you a benefit based on the amount of money you have contributed to us during your career.

We offer different types of retirement plans to suit your needs. These include Traditional Alternative Retirement Plans, Roth Alternative Retirement Plans, and spousal retirement alternatives.

Traditional IRA: in a traditional individual retirement account, you can contribute up to $6,000. This type of individual retirement account provides your investments with tax-deferred growth.

Roth IRA: a Roth retirement alternative that provides you with tax-free income when you retire. This type of retirement account allows your money to grow tax-free.

Spousal IRA: The spousal retirement account allows non-working spouses to fund or contribute up to a maximum.

Why choose our Alternative Retirement Plans? 

  • Withdrawal is free.
  • You can withdraw at any time.
  • You can withdraw your contribution before your retirement without any penalty.

Akawini Capital Insurance will ensure that you choose the best Alternative Retirement Plans that suit your needs. We go all out to ensure that you will have something great to fall back on at the end of your career. Contact us today, and we will go over the process with you.

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Office Location

Akawini Capital Insurance

1030 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ, 07106, US